
Wednesday 7 March 2012


Most often people only look for financial and management strategies that could help them improve their finances. What is usually common in the strategies they come across is slashing down your expenditure. It makes sense because no matter how little your income is when you are able to reduce  your expenditure to a level that is lower than your income, then  you get something little to save which eventually improves your finances. Interestingly, when discussing ways of reducing expenditure, we usually neglect or sometimes trivialize a very  important aspect.                             

Sustainable use of natural resources (environmental conservation) is of great importance. When you are able to reduce exessive use of water and electricity you significantly cut down your utility bills. When you are able to keep your surroundings clean you save yourself from diseases which are linked with dirt and this also means medical bills can be something rare in your budget. If you are the type that could do gardening at leisure hours then you could sometimes get certain  foodstuffs for free. There are lot more ecofriendly ways of living that could help you reduce your expenditure and in the long run improve your finances.   

Natural resource sustainability (environmental conservation) is never reserved for the environmentalist nor naturist but should be everybody's business because it comes with enormous benefits. Let us all save the earth.


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